» Clocks
Royal Crown Clock - Standard

Attractive and interesting was my prelude for this design.  The royal crown is ready for you to personalize with your painting style.  Gayle Oram’s new book, Rosemaling Styles, Study and Design features this clock painted in the Telemark style of Rosemaling.


Face Color
White Roman
Ivory Roman
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Sea Shell Clock - Miniature
For the shell lover at heart, this miniature clock is designed to remind you of the fun times at the beach and is ready to add your finishing touches to.
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Setesdal Clock - Large

Starting with the standard edition of the Setesdal Clock the larger style was born.  With plenty of character and adorable in design the Large Setestal clock would make a great addition to anyone’s home.

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Face Color
White Roman
Ivory Roman
Setesdal Clock - Standard

Adorable in design with a lot of character and subtle details would best describe the Setesdal clock.  Made with the finest grade of poplar and a 1/8” natural birch appliqué applied to the body for extra depth.

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Shelf Clock - Standard
As indicated by the name, this is a no-fuss design that is perfect for a business or personal shelf. All you need to do is decorate it with your amazing design and it’ll be ready to display the time for you.  So don’t delay – act now.


Face Color
White Roman
Ivory Roman
Silence of Time

This clock started as a special order from one of my clients to meet the simple lines and elegance that was required for one of her painting projects. She requested a clock with plenty of painting space, fluent and simple detail and the use of quality clock movements.


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Strokes of Time -Large

This piece is absolutely amazing and is one of my favorites.  You will have ample room to paint your favorite scene or design, maybe even carve your design.  You will enjoy the rich soothing tones of the electronic dual chime movement as the time passes by.

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Tower Clock - Large

Resembling a tower of time this piece is featured in Gayle Oram’s new book, Rosemaling Styles, Study and Design.

White Roman Dial
White Arabic Dial
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