Brand New...we bought a pair of these horses for a project that has since been cancelled, so now they can move to your project! These extraordinary pieces can either stand up for all to admire or be used as a paper weight if you so choose as it is flat on the back side. Handmade crystal reflects light, allowing the detailing from the mane to the harness and the subtle detail of the hair to stand out.
David used carving and staining as his artform to finish his TC Mangle Board as a gift to his future wife. Click on the details button to read his anecdote of this project.
Thank You David, for sharing these photos and story of your artwork. We wish you the blessings of a long and wonderful marriage.
Doors dressed-up make a statement to all who enter that the occupants inside appreciate beauty and tradition. If you have ever wanted to dress up your door [around the door knob] then simply paint your favorite design or finish on my door escutcheon, and you will have succeeded. The New Deadbolt Addition can be viewed in the Details page, photo #2
I was asked to design a gun for a wooden solder nutcracker. This client was painting three for her children. She was making the nutcracker into a hunter theme. I felt this being an old style theme why not a flintlock. Even better make it double barreled.